
Showing posts from January, 2024

Define, "Believing."

Recently, while professing the Nicene Creed at Mass, I reflected on how years of reciting Saint Peter's sermon (Acts 2) have changed my attitude about life.  A common word in the first sentence among the four predominant paragraphs of The Profession of Faith articulates centuries of what Christians believe and affirms what I believe IN. I believe IN God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.      Consider this: when we say, 'I believe in…' instead of 'I believe that...,' we're not just expressing a belief, we're making a profound statement. The phrase 'I believe in...' carries a tone of motivation, passion, and inspiration, revealing a clear understanding of our beliefs. But why is this distinction so significant? How does it shape our attitudes and actions? It transforms the believer into a different person, acting differently towards themselves and others. Be Aware!   'Believing in' can truly transform individuals.  Those who have kn