The Face of God

Recently, while exploring the central United States, we pushed northward towards Wyoming. Eagerly driving through morning darkness, the sun emerged from the landscape only to reveal the Grand Tetons.  This was truly extraordinary, and later became a spiritual experience. 

Four months of planning a reciprocal traverse to Canada had not prepared us for the amazing environment in which we now stood.  We found something special.  Simply, God's gentle touch on this region of the planet was a gift to mankind.  

As such, it was preserved by the efforts made by John D. Rockefeller in the early 19th century. His purchases and the national work thereafter preserved this region known as the Grand Tetons National Park. 

Hiking along the 40-mile-long mountain range we stumble onto a Catholic chapel that's perched on the Bay of Jackson Lake.  Since 1937, it remains pristine and preserved just like the Tetons region.  The Chapel of the Sacred Heart still operates today and when we entered, we were at home.  

For me, the smells, bells, and nails of Catholicism drew me into a moment of spiritual silence.  I sat on a hand-carved wooden pew and offered thanks to the Creator who shows might and love.  With both of these experiences, I saw the face of God.  



  1. This Chapel is amazing. Thank you for sharing. Sounds like a similar experience I had in Colorado at the Chapel on the rock (St. Catherine of Siena Chapel) God Bless.

  2. I agree these scenes and experiences can move the spirit.


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